#6 – Vocal Stress and straws?

#6 – Vocal Stress and straws?

Vocal cord strain, also known as vocal fatigue, occurs when the vocal cords are overused and become inflamed, leading to hoarseness, soreness, and difficulty speaking. It can be caused by factors such as yelling, speaking for extended periods, or having poor vocal hygiene. To treat and prevent vocal cord strain, it's important to rest the voice, stay hydrated, and avoid habits that can irritate the vocal cords. In severe cases, medical treatment may be necessary. I have recently discovered "Straw Phonation" for un-stressing my voice… particularly "The Singing Straw" @ https://singingstraw.com/ Straw phonation refers to a speech therapy technique used to help individuals improve their voice control and quality. The technique involves blowing air through a straw while speaking, creating resistance that helps strengthen the voice muscles and improve breath…
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#5 – Stage Presence

#5 – Stage Presence

Histrionics or Passion? THIS is a sensitive subject for some. You’re on stage, you know you need to entertain as well as play… so you start to ‘move-around’. You’ve notified your face of the performance-alert, and now you’re smiling (or making big guitar faces). Yes, sometimes there is stage direction given for show-flow, where to be /when and so forth. However, for me at least, here’s the rub: Is it done with soul-less histrionics, or movement out of passion? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen it look like the former… and sometimes the movement looks learned or planned and doesn’t even fit the genre of music. Yes, people respond to energy and motion… but they respond MORE to authenticity (IMHO). I’ve discussed this idea with some who…
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You Is Who You Is

You Is Who You Is

The Freedom in Letting Go and Just Playing That sounds like some repressed Yoda shit... but really it’s “give yourself a break for whatever choice you've made for the direction of your life... and just allow yourself to be you." The music is more authentic that way. I bring this up because for YEARS...and I DO MEAN YEARS, I beat myself up not ever being where I wanted to be chops-wise, career-wise, etc. I always would complain about not having time to practice as much as I would like because of needing to have a day job...or being in 6-7 bands, there is always a rehearsal, or a show to learn, and while that IS practicing...it's a different type of practicing, and not one that advances your chops or musical…
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#3 – It’s All Do-Re-Mi Man…

#3 – It’s All Do-Re-Mi Man…

Part 1 "The Idea" This subject is going to take a few posts to complete, as it's a huge subject, simple as it sounds. Let's call this part 1 - the idea. Look, look, like it’s all just “do-re-mi man” That’s what Lenny Breau taught me, the first and only time I got to take a lesson from him. He died shortly after.  If you don't know who Lenny is, Google him. You can Watch Lenny here: to give you an idea of the genius of this guy. Lenny was a man who learned to play guitar by listening to old Les Paul & Mary Ford records...not knowing that the bass, rhythm and lead parts were played by different guys. He thought it was all one guy...and that's how he learned to play.  Session…
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Performing ‘in-the-now’ state of mind

Performing ‘in-the-now’ state of mind

Never Forgotten and Taken to Heart #2 Whether performing live to an audience, recording in the studio or just playing for fun, I was always taught that you put 150% of your blood, guts and soul into every note, every time. I remember I was around 19 years old, playing with Sparky Hussle at Apple Annie's in Wilmington, CA. I was jumping around being 'showy'...and focusing on the performance rather than the accuracy and soul of the music. My then drummer (now deceased, R.I.P.) Larry Dent motioned me over to the drum set and said, "Elowe, if you're not going to put every ounce of your blood and guts into every note you play, put your guitar down and get the fuck off the stage! There are 100 guys wishing…
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Music ‘My’ Theory

Music ‘My’ Theory

a note to singers, and other Stuff I probably should have kept to myself… #1 Hello all… This is a series I’m thinking of doing, maybe one a month…or at most, every couple of weeks. I hope if you are reading this that you have fun, and that maybe there is a nugget or two that resonates with you. I’ll share lessons I’ve learned along the way, and my weird way of interpreting those lessons. Also, opinions I’ve formed from working with tons of bands, individual musicians, students, producers, etc., etc. I’ll pepper in a few crazy road stories, weird gigs, and quotes I’ve gotten from people you might know. Like here’s one: Steve Lukather told me semi-recently, at the end of a theory discussion, “Just bend shit”! Just slide…
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